HomeMintMy Collection


If you are pretty new to NFTs, this can be intimidating!
Follow these instructions to mint your first blockchainsmoker!

Get your wallet

In order to mint, you'll need a wallet.

To get started on desktop, a strong choice is metamask. Follow their tutorial to create one.
On mobile we recommend rainbow.

Fund your wallet

Minting requires paying some ether (ETH). The cost is broken down into 2 types:

  1. NFT minting cost: this is set to 0.02 eth for blockchainsmokers.
  2. Gas fees: everything that modifies the blockchain requires gas. Think of it as paying to use cycles on the global ethereum computer.

You should make sure you have enough ETH before minting. For 1 blockchainsmoker, a safe number is 0.04 eth (gas fees change constantly, you can track them here). We recommend waiting for the gas fee to be < 70 gwei.

To fund your wallet, you need to buy some with dollars or whatever your country’s currency is. This is done through a crypto exchange. A popular choice in the USA is coinbase, and in Europe binance.

If you are using the rainbow wallet, you can fund directly with apple pay.


Now the fun part! Minting is an operation where you permanently create an NFT and your wallet becomes the sole owner of it. Think of it as the opportunity to print a collectible card for the first (and only) time, as opposed to trading it or buying it from someone once it already exists.

To do this: go to the mint page.

  1. Connect your wallet (don’t worry, this is a free action).
  2. Select how many blockchainsmokers you want to mint.
  3. Click "Mint", this will confirm the transaction with your wallet.

Viewing your new NFT(s)

Once the transaction is successful, you can view your NFTs on the my-collection page or on any NFT viewing application, like Opensea.